Sunday, October 21, 2007

Black Monday

Friday, October 19, 2007, was the 20th anniversay of Black Monday, October 19, 1987, when the stock market (NYSE: New York Stock Exchange, is what we usually mean by "stock market") took, to be polite, a dip.

The Stock Market under Democratic & Republican administrations:

President Party Date Months in Office Annualized Stock Return
Truman D 11/48-10/52 48 18.28%
Eisenhower R 11/52-10/60 96 14.96%
Kennedy D 11/60-10/63 36 15.15%
Johnson D 11/63-10/68 60 10.39%
Nixon R 11/68-7/74 69 -1.32%
Ford R 8/74-10/76 27 17.21%
Carter D 11/76-10/80 48 11.04%
Reagan R 11/80-10/88 96 15.18%
Bush R 11/88-10/92 48 14.44%
Clinton D 11/92-10/00 96 19%
Bush, G.W. R 11/00-2/06 63 -0.92%

Average from 1948 to Feb. 2006

Democrat 42.8% 15.26%
Republican 57.2% 9.53%
Overall 100% 11.95%

Source of this table:

Monday, October 15, 2007

French GDP per hour worked as a percentage of US GDP per hour worked since 1960

Perhaps the French were very lazy in the 60's, or spending too much time drinking wine and having sex, or busy revolting. Anyway, they seem to have finally gotten their act together and now appear to be beating the US at productivity as though this country was a rented mule. Or do I have that backwards?

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Arctic Sea Ice

This seems like an approriate time to mention Al Gore and his books...

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